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Friday, September 28, 2012

Chick Surprise

We found the hen sitting on her eggs two days ago.  Since no one was willing to get their hand near her razor sharp beak we were at a loss as to how many eggs she had under her, not to mention how long she had been sitting on them.   Yesterday, we found out that the sneaky hen had been setting for quite a while.  Connor had gone out to the barn to check on the goats when lo and behold he heard peeping coming from the direction of the hay mow.  When I looked over the boards there were two little chicks peeking out from their mommas chest but by the time I got the camera they had retreated to the safety of her underside.

Being the reckless brave soul that I am, I lifted her out of the hay mow to get a better look at the chicks, not to mention giving them water and some food.  She had 5 little ones and four eggs that looked and smelled like they weren't going to hatch.  She was glad to get her chicks on the ground and promptly started calling them to come eat as she watched us out of the corner of her eye.  If we got too close she would screech and lunge at use to let us know that we weren't to touch her children. 

The babies spent the night in the corner of the barn, snuggled under their mommas body all toasty and warm until this morning.  Today she is roaming about the barnyard teaching them how to find food.  If any other animal or human dares to get close she charges them in defense of her clan.  What a beautiful sight.  I don't have to care for these chicks...yeah!!!  Mostly, it is so beautiful because of the way she walks around mothering them and caring for them.  How quickly they hear her voice and know to come running for warmth, water, protection, and food.

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