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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Flu season and elderberry astragalus syrup

We planted elderberry trees last fall in order to have our own dried elder flowers, elderberry jam, and elderberry syrup for flu season. One of the trees was attacked by some type of borer and died and the other tree is big and beautiful with blossoms and some green berries on it.  Did I mention that it is November?  Needless to say we probably won't be getting much from the tree this year.  If it lives, it is going to be quite large by next ear and hopefully we will be able to harvest some blossoms and fruit from it then.

In desperation I ordered a pound of dried berries from an herbal supplier to make our elderberry syrup for the year.  I also decided to put astragalus in it as well since I have some on hand and Astragalus is known as an immune system stimulant.  I also decided to flavor the syrup a little with star anise.   After testing the final product I'm not sure it worked so well.  There is a slight anise flavor but not enough that someone else tasting it would know what that flavor is. Next time I will just stick to the Elderberry and Astragalus.

I placed the whole pound of dried elderberries in a half gallon jar and covered them with boiling spring water.  You can use distilled water to ensure no impurities affecting storage.  I have never used distilled water and have never had a batch go bad.  I do put a teaspoon of vodka in each half pint jar though.

After covering the berries with water, I put the jar in the fridge for 2 days.  It would have been one but I got busy and didn't get to it.  Then I placed the berries and water in a pot, added the astragalus and star anise, and simmered on low heat for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.

Once done I strained the berries and astagalus through a mesh sieve.  It is better to use a non-metal sieve or to use a filter but this is what I have.  I mashed and strained the berries over a few hours to get all the juice out.

Once the berries were strained I added honey to the syrup.  For my half gallon container and one pound of berries I used 3/4 of a quart of honey.  I stirred this in well to incorporate through the syrup.

Lastly, I sterilized pint jars, added the syrup and 1 tsp. vodka, mixed it up, and placed a top on them.

I keep this in the refrigerator and we use it when we feel a cold coming on or feel under the weather.  I cannot recommend a dosage but we have always used 1tsp every hour first day if getting really sick.  1 tsp 4 times a day for children under 12 and 1 tbsp 4 times and day for adults.

I would encourage you to read up on the flu and have what you need on hand to help get you through it.

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