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Tuesday, May 29, 2012


The blackberries in the blackberry patch beside our pasture arw starting to ripen.  I have big plans for them.  I have waited a year to harvest these black beauties.  We had a few last year but they were about done when we moved in.  I thought I had another week or two until they would be ready but, surprise they are ripe.   After chores Monday morning we changed into our berry clothes, gathered our buckets and went out to do battle with the brambles in order to get to the juicy fruit.

If you have ever picked blackberries you know that in order to pick effectively you really need to put jeans, shoes, and a long sleeve shirt on. It was so warm on Monday that we attempted to pick in short sleeves.  We have battle wounds to show our foolishness.  While picking the silence was broken by victims being poked, scratched, and otherwise abused.  Not to mention Squeak, our barn cat deciding to help.  His idea of help was to hide inside the brambles and attack unsuspecting berry pickers, making them squeal with surprise.  While we were out there our four Lamancha bucklings found a cranny in the fence to squeeze through and join us. They would jump and run every time the dog came out of the bushes while hunting for a mouse to eat.  It was quite an interesting menagerie.

We picked about 7 pounds of berries, there are many more to ripen so I see a lot of berries in our future.  The family will want a shortcake first, then I can get down to business and make some jam.  I am also going to can some this year.   I have read that this is a really good way to store them for winter use.  My mom told me that her mother would can blackberries every year. 
I found a recipe that is lower in sugar and has natural pectin from apples in a book called "Preserving Food without Freezing or Canning"  I really like this book and the premise of preserving food without electricity usage and lower sugar. 

Blackberry Jam

2lbs Blackberries
2/3lb diced apples (tart like Pippin)
1 1/2 lb sugar
1/3- 1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 c. ground Hazelnuts
canning jars and lids

Combine apples,blackberries, sugar, and lemon juice, and let sit overnight in a cool place.  Scald jars and lids well and let drain.  Bring blackberry mixture to a boil and cook on high  heat for 15 minutes adding hazelnuts after first ten minutes.

Fill jars to the rim with the hot jam and screw the lids on tightly.  Immediately turn the jars upside down.  If jars are properly full, very little air should remain at the top.  Store upside down in a cool, dark place.

I haven't tried this yet but am planning on it this year.

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