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Friday, May 25, 2012

Family Fun Day aka The Rock Island Marauders

Dad declared a break from the house yesterday so last minute after the chores were done, we packed up some water and a snack and headed out to Rock Island.  We have never been there before so there was a lot to explore and do.  As it is we will have to go back and check out a couple more of the hiking trails that we did not get to.  It was absolutely beautiful and we were able to see a lot of different and geological formations and also plants and animals.  I am going to attempt to show you some of what we saw starting with the eagle and the buzzard.................  We noticed the buzzard first circling overhead and landing near by.  My husband attempted to sneak up on him to get a good picture but this is as close as he could get.  There were a couple more buzzards circling in the distance and as we were watching an eagle soared by and and decided to join the fun in the sky for a while. We could hear him "talking".  As we watched a kestrel started attacking the eagle while he was in the air and we saw the eagle literally do a barrel roll to get away from the attack.  Talk about a moment of awe!  He eventually was driven off by the smaller bird.  At this location we also saw many turtles in the water but weren't able to get close enough to get a good picture.  Along the upper bank I ran across Pippisewa growing and had an opportunity to show the kids what it looks like.

As we were driving on the road we came across some spring houses along the hills, a neat castle like structure and an old mill that was all boarded up next to the river.  There are also many water falls and caves, and rock formations along the river as well as a hydro-electric plants.

As I discovered all these things I was making up all kinds of stories in my head and can see how writers could gather inspiration from nature and the world around them.  I was ready to go home a write a book about the mermaids in the lagoon, the cavemen on the side of the mountain, and the fairy kingdom on the banks of the Caney Fork.  I was also saddened to see the mill all boarded up and not in use anymore.   To me it was a reflection of how easily we have discarded the past and charged forward for the new.  Not always for the our good.  Just my opinion but I desire for us to get back to some of the old ways. 

After exploring one side of Rock Island, the Marauders headed out to conquer the other side of the river.  This side was by far the best, maybe because some of the family got to jump off high rocks into the river.   I think it was because there was far more to see on this side.  I took pictures of centipedes, rock overhangs, waterfalls coming off the side of the mountains, baby birds in their nests in the side of cliffs, ferns, algae, large overhangs with water coming off them, flowers, lagoons, and my family having a really good time.   I should probably tell you that this wasn't an adventure to have with young kids or people that can't climb or walk long distances.  We clocked around 5 or 6 miles, some of it on a trail on the side of the mountian.  There were many places that were very high up with the possibility that if you weren't careful you could slip and fall many feet.  There were also places that we were required to climb up some steep rocks to get where we were going.  The best places were the hardest to get too.  We almost missed the best parts of the trip because they were kind of off the beaten path so to speak.

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 We ended the day at the car eating cheese and crackers, drinking cold water, and eating watermelon.  Should I tell you that someone decided to have a seed spitting contest and it digressed from there until dad had to step in and end it.  We all went home exhausted but refreshed from our day.

The Rock Island Marauders conquering the rocks.

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