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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Farm Cat

This is our barn cat "Squeak".  He was rescued from certain death when only about a week old.  He was so tiny when we got him, he squeaked when he tried to meow so he became "Squeak" to us.  When we first moved here, he was young and still learning to hunt and take care of himself.  In fact there were a few sleepless nights when we were awakened by the horrible sound of cats fighting and screeching.  Only to go outside and rescue Squeak from the clutches of a villainous neighborhood cat.

He has since matured and is able to care very well for himself.  He loves to catch and eat  Blue-tailed Skinks and has (much to our dismay) depleted the Skink population around the place.  The first time we saw him do this we were disgusted but now it is such a common occurrence and he gets rather irritated when we try to take his food away so we just let him have them. 

A barn cat is nice to help keep the mice out of the barn and away from the house.  We had a mouse in our Black oil Sunflower seed bag last week.  I was pretty proud of myself for not squealing before I put the lid back on the bin to trap the mouse inside.  Squeak happened to be hanging out by the barn since it was milking time and he occasionally gets a treat.  We scooped him up and held him on the edge of the bin.  He had that mouse in his paws in two seconds flat.  I was amazed at his quick, calm, demeanor. 

He now has a new favorite thing to do every morning.  He makes the rounds to all the grain bins and stretches up to see if there is a snack hanging out in them.