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Monday, May 14, 2012

Farm pictures and Projects

We have an endless list of projects that will more than likely not get finished this year.  A huge one that I do want to finish before winter is the greenhouse that is sitting in boxes in the garage.  I want to be able to plant some crops that we can eat through the winter.  I am so very excited about this project and will keep you posted when we start the work on it.

Above is a picture of our bunkhouse that is not finished yet.  We want to have some beds in there to accomodate some time spent outside "roughing it" with the kids or a little extra sleeping space if we have company that might want to spend the night.  It is neat because it has two loft areas.  I'm thinking we will have enough sleeping space for five people.  I'm hoping to do some re-decorating in the next couple of months.

I love my front porch and my rocking chairs.  It is really nice to come out in the morning and relax a little as I plan my day.  The only thing I miss is my swing.  That is sitting in the garage waiting for a good sanding and a coat of varnish.

This is my husband's "cool" farm truck.  It sure is loud when it starts up.

We put in a cistern to help with the garden watering.  When it rains, the water on the garage roof dumps into the tank to help fill it up.  The cistern is located up hill from some of my gardens and I water with a hose using gravity.

Yes, there is no place like home on this earth. 

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