So we went to a really cool, Old Fashioned style, Independence Day party last evening. It was a get together of our English Country Dance group and was held at an old historical home dressed in red, white, and blue bunting with our flag on display across the balcony over the front entrance. We were treated to a Pot luck meal with everything you could imagine and wonderful wholesome conversation on the lawn. A public reading of The Declaration of Independence from the front balcony followed by everyone singing The Star Spangled Banner with a cannon blast finale. We gathered to have some fun while dancing some reels and lines of English Country Dancing. Much merriment was had and the grand finale was a display of fireworks and more cannon blasts.
If you are as I have been, one of the people that didn't give much thought to what this day really means, I challenge you to go back and read the Declaration of Independence found here and give some thought as to what freedom really means, why we enjoy it, and how we will continue to have those freedoms that we fought so dearly for and won!
I was struck with how the Declaration really applies to this day and age. I hadn't read the Declaration in over 2 it was quite nice and thought provoking to hear it again.