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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Deck almost done and miss my kids

I woke up this morning not wanting to haul my carcass out of bed, I am tired today.  My hands ache, my ankle aches, my eyes are weepy, and I miss my other two kids.  I am ready for all of us to be back together and functioning as a whole.  It has been oddly quiet without all four of the kids around the place.  Hmm, wonder if this is a foretaste of what it will be like with them all grown up and gone.  I choose not to think of that right now.

We were able to put some furniture back on the deck and it looks so nice.  Now my tendency will be to not let anyone walk on it with their muddy or dirty shoes.  I will have to watch that I'm not too crazy about it getting dirty, it is a porch after all right?

We are getting more eggs now but everyday is like Easter since we have to wander the farm looking for where the Dark Cornish have decided to make a nest for the day.  We really need to put a chicken yard up and make them stay in for a while so that they get used to laying in the coop.  We have around 25 hens between our laying hens and the Dark Cornish and only get between 9-13 eggs a day so if you do the math.....  I wouldn't be surprised to see a hen come strutting out of the bushes one day with a brood of young ones.  I would prefer to put those eggs in my refrigerator.

Did I mention that we have zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumbers coming out of our ears?  Or that it is driving me crazy to know there are a ton (quite literally) of blackberries to be picked in the side lot?  I think for this morning I will practice restraint and spend some time in the word so that I will have the strength for and the knowledge of what I am to accomplish today.

I included a picture of Rachel getting some lovin'  from the  "boys".

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