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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Selling Baby and projects lined up

We sold Layla's doeling this afternoon.  We had named her Sage but I am sure she will get a new name in her new home.  I hope she does okay.  It is hard to let them go sometimes.  I have to keep reminding myself that they belong to someone else now, not me.  It was particularly hard when the new owners e-mailed us tonight to ask what kind of nipple to use for her bottle.  I'm thinking, "does that mean she hasn't (and won't have) had anything to eat since we fed her?"  Okay, deep breath and remind myself that she is not my problem anymore..........  The good thing with selling her is that we have more milk since we aren't sharing with her.

We have a lot of projects lined up for this spring.  I am chomping at the bit to get started on them.

~We are looking at putting in some type grey water system to  help with watering in the summer months.
~We are considering a small pond in the pasture areas...we shall see.
~I need to seed Herbal Ley onto our fields
~Have I mentioned we still don't have the greenhouse up?
~A couple more Herb beds, one in the sun and one in the shade
~Always have fencing to do, more so with the cows.
~We are finishing up a brooder and pen for pasture poultry that we are getting in a couple of weeks
~There are always garden beds and raised beds to make or get ready for planting season.
~Head gate for Boo (the cow) before she freshens again.

These are a few of the bigger projects.  I haven't include milking, birthing, tilling, planting, mucking barns, and etc.

I will try to keep you all updated as we move along on the plans.

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