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Monday, March 18, 2013

Essential herbs to grow~Part II

I'm reading the old post and the list of herbs I have for this post and I'm realizing that I am creating quite a large list of herbs that are essential to grow.  I will continue this list but might summarize with the ten herbs I would not want to be without.  Keep in mind that many of these herbs grow right in your yard or in your neighborhood so keep your eyes open and know what they look like.

German ChamomileGerman Chamomile~ we dry this for tea, making an infusion for skin salves or deodorant, and in hand milled soaps

Dandelion : Yellow dandelions in a gardenDandelion~ we eat the greens in the spring, old timers would eat it in the spring when their larders were bare, before greens were growing in the garden.  It is known to be a tonic herb that works on the liver.  I use the root as a decoction for digestive issues and to clean out our liver and gallbladder. *can be wild harvested

Thyme~This is a versatile herb in that it can be used in many dishes for flavoring and for medicinal uses as well.  It is good for coughs and colds.  I use it in cold glycerites and my daughter make a herbal hair rinse with it for her hair.

Skullcap~ I have been trying to get this growing without any luck.  Hope to have some luck this year or find some to purchase this year.  I love to use this in cold tea since it helps relax the airways and decrease inflammation.  I have also used this in "Sleepy tea".  I want to grow this for harvest but have had to order it.

Passion flower~Sedative qualities make it useful for "sleepy tea". 
*Can be wild harvested

Milk Thistle seeds~Used for Liver/gallbladder cleansing and support.  The whole plant is high in antioxidants, minerals, and nutrients but can be invasive.  Be very careful where you plant it and keep it under control.  I have seedlings getting ready for transplant but am not sure yet where I want to plant it. *can be wild harvested

white yarrow picturesYarrow~Great for cold/flu especially when accompanied by a fever.  Will cause sweating when used therefore also considered a cleansing herb.  Historically it has been used to stop bleeding as well.  I only use it for my cold tea, adding it when one of the family is coming down with a "bad" cold and has a fever. *can be wild harvested

Hop_plant : hops garden, Czech RepublciValerian/Hops~Both these herbs have sedative qualities and are useful for sleep.  You might be asking why I have so many sedative herbs listed......I have a family member that has struggled with sleep issues for many years.  We have used various herbs (or combinations) at different times to combat his problems.

Square-stalked St. Johns Wort (Hypericum tetrapterum )St. Johns wort~I like to make an oil infusion with this herb and put it in salve.  You do have to be careful when using St. Johns wort because it can cause sun sensitivity, however, it is a very good wound healer.  It is used for other purposes such as pulmonary complaints, urinary complaints, and nervous conditions but we use it in salves here. * Can be wild harvested

Feverfew~ Useful for headaches and looks nice in your flower garden.  We have used it mainly for headache curing properties in the past but it is also good for liver/gallbladder cleansing, fever reduction and a host of other issues.

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