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Monday, June 9, 2014

Good soil=Good plant growth=Good nutrition

We are harvesting tons of veggies from the garden now.  People are amazed at the size of our plants when they come to visit. I don't really have an answer for them when they ask how we do it.  Maybe its because we pay attention to feeding the soil before, during, and after the plants go into the ground.  We also mulch and plant our garden closer than most people do. This is to prevent water loss and to help keep the weeds down.  Less work that way. I wrote a blog entry about soil here, http://raf6.blogspot.com/2013/04/soil-information-for-gardeners.html .  If you have mineral rich soil that is high in carbon you have the building blocks for great plant growth and great nutrition for your animals and you. 

Have you ever passed a huge field and felt like the soil looked dead?  Farms have been depleting and poisoning their soil for years.  They kill weeds with Round Up, put chemical fertilizers on the field and grow great crops of vegetables (using pesticides to keeps the bugs at bay) that are not nutritionally good for us or our animals.  Then they turn around and do it again the next year, killing the soil and the microorganisms needed for life. 

You can plant two gardens and manage one with Round up, pesticides, and chemical fertilizer while managing the other
one with good soil management.  Both will produce nice looking vegetables but only one will provide nutritious, longer lasting vegetables that are good for your body......something to think about.